



Dr. LeRoy Graw has an international reputation as a Seminar Leader and Consultant in Purchasing Management; Federal, State, and Local Procurement; Commercial Contract Formation and Contract Administration; Subcontract Management; Cost and Price Analysis; Negotiations; International Purchasing; Service Contracting and Outsourcing; and Contract Writing.  With over 35 years of experience, he offers both an academic and practical approach to purchasing, procurement, and contract management through his experience as an Unlimited Warrant Federal Contracting Officer, as a Contracts Manager and Purchasing Manager for Government Contractors, and as an Educator, Trainer, and Consultant.  Dr. Graw is the President and Chief Consultant of the International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute.  He is also President and CEO of the American Certification Institute.

作为多个领域中研讨会的领导人和顾问,立洛·葛诺(LeRoy Graw)博士在国际上享有声誉。他所涉足的领域包括:采购管理;美国联邦、洲际及当地采购;商业合同起草与合同管理;转包合同管理;成本与价格分析;谈判;国际采购;服务承包与外包;合同写作。立洛·葛诺博士拥有35年以上的经验,凭借作为无限授权联邦合同官、政府承包商合同经理和采购经理、教育家、培训师和顾问所获得的经验,提供采购与合同管理方面的理论知识和实践方法。目前,葛诺博士是国际采购与供应链管理协会(International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute)的主席兼首席顾问。同时他还是美国认证协会(American Certification Institute)的主席兼首席执行官。


Having been designated a Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.) from the National Association of Purchasing Management, as a Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP) and Certified Professional Purchasing Manager (CPPM) from the American Purchasing Society, as a Certified International Supply Chain Manager (CISCM) from the American Certification Institute, and Certified Professional Contracts Manager and Fellow from the National Contract Management Association, he has also served as a  with the FAR and Subcontracts Buyers Group of NAPM/ISM.  He is the former President and National Director, San Gabriel Chapter, NCMA and formerly served as a member of the C.P.M. Examination Item Writing Committee with the NAPM/ISM.  Dr. Graw is co-author of the previous edition of the C.P.M. Study Guide, the C.P.M. Diagnostic Examination, and the NAPM Glossary of Key Purchasing Terms.  He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, a Master of Commerce (MBA) degree from the University of Richmond, and a Doctor of Education (EdD) degree from USC.

他已被全美采购管理协会(NAPM)授予注册采购经理(C.P.M) 头衔美国采购协会授予注册采购专员(CPP)和注册专业采购经理(CPPM) 头衔国际采购与供应链管理协会授予注册国际供应链经理(CISCM),以及美国合同管理协会授予注册专业合同经理等头衔,他还担任过全美采购经理人协会/供应管理协会(NAPM/ISM)旗下的FAR Subcontracts Buyers Group的National Officer。

葛诺博士曾担任过San Gabriel Chapter和NCMA的前总裁和National Director,还当NAPM/ISM的C.P.M.考试条款写作委员会的成员。葛诺博士是上一版C.P.M.学习指南、C.P.M.诊断测试NAPM关键采购术语辞典的联合作者。早年,他在美国西点军校获得了理士学位,在里士满大学获得了MBA学位,并在USC获得教育博士学位。


Organizations that have benefited from Dr. Graw’s assistance include: Alcatel Corporation; American Airlines; the Bonneville Power Administration; Burlington Northern Railroad; Hawaiian Telephone; Mary Kay Cosmetics; NAPM-Bay Area;  NAPM-Dallas, NAPM-Phoenix; NAPM-Inland Empire (California), NAPM-San Antonio; the University of California-Riverside; the University of Phoenix; UCLA; Northern Telecom, Inc.; OAO Corporation; Apple Computer, Sante Fe Railroad; the State of California; the State of Texas; the TrackWork Company; Union Pacific Resources; the Whirlpool Corporation; Motorola; Lucent Technologies; Hewlett Packard; the U.S. General Services Administration; the U.S. Department of Defense; Beijing Modern Management Technology Exchange Center;  Beijing Five Star Universe International Culture Exchange Center; the Chinese State-Owned Enterprise Restructuring Agency, the Government of the People’s Republic of China, CAREC, and Trainmar Institute in Trinidad-Tobago.

曾受益于葛诺博士帮助的组织包括:阿尔卡特;美国航空;巴那威力电力管理柏林顿北方铁路;夏威夷电信;玫琳凯化妆品公司(Mary Kay Cosmetics);NAPM湾区分会;NAPM达拉斯分会,NAPM菲尼克斯分会;NAPM内陆帝国(加州)分会,NAPM圣安东尼奥分会;加州大学河滨分校;菲尼克斯大学;UCLA;北方电信(Northern Telecom);OAO Corporation;苹果电脑公司,Sante Fe 铁路;加州;德州;TrackWork 公司;美国联合太平洋资源公司(Union Pacific Resources);惠(Whirlpool Corporation);摩托罗拉;朗讯科技;惠普;美国政府总务管理局;美国国防部;北京现代管理技术交易中心;北京五星环宇国际文化交流中心;中国国有企业重组机构,中国政府,CAREC,以及特立尼达和多巴哥的Trainmar研究院。


Dr. Graw has served as adjunct faculty in Purchasing/Procurement and Contract Management with the U.S. Army Logistics Management College at Fort Lee, Virginia; the Graduate School of Management, University of Dallas; the Resource Management Institute; Richland College; Amber University; the University of Texas-Dallas; the University of California-Riverside; the University of Phoenix; Keller Graduate School; UCLA, and Boise State University.  He has conducted more than 600 lectures and seminars for colleges and universities, professional associations and societies, and in-company clients.  A nationally recognized practitioner, he is the author of three respected purchasing textbooks, Cost/Price Analysis, Service Purchasing, International Negotiation Handbook and Commercial Contracting, and he has provided seminars six times at the NAPM/ISM International Purchasing Conference.  Dr. Graw is currently listed in Who’s Who in the West, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in the World and was the NCMA Educator of the Year in 1998.

葛诺博士曾在以下机构当过采购与合同管理专业兼教授:位于佛吉尼亚州Fort Lee的美国陆军后勤管理学院;达拉斯大学的管理研究所;资源管理研究院;瑞查兰德学院(Richland College);Amber大学;德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校;加州大学河滨分校;菲尼克斯大学;美国凯勒管理研究所(Keller Graduate School);UCLA,以及博伊西州立大学。他为大学、专业协会和企业内部客户举办了600多次讲座和研讨会。

他是得到全美公认的实践者,他撰写了三部受到赞誉的采购教科书:成本/价格分析(Cost/Price Analysis),服务采购(Service Purchasing),国际谈判手册(International Negotiation Handbook)和商业合同(Commercial Contracting)。他还在NAPM/ISM国际采购大会上提供了六次讲座。Graw博士目前被列入Who’s Who in the West、Who’s Who in America和Who’s Who in the World等名人录,而且在1998年获得了NCMA年度教育家称号。



EdD University of S. California * Major:  Finance and Business Administration

Minor:  Curriculum and Instruction

MC (MBA) University of Richmond * Major:  Finance and Accounting

BS  U.S. Military Academy * Major:  Engineering/Physical Science * Minor: Mathematics

教育博士         加州大学                专业:金融和商业管理

商业硕士(工商管理硕士)    里士满大学   专业:金融和财务

工程学士        美国西点军校             专业:工程科学    辅修科目:数学




Certified Purchasing Manager (C.P.M.)


Certified Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM)


Certified Purchasing Professional (CPP)


Certified Professional Purchasing Manager (CPPM)


Certified International Professional Negotiator(CIPN)


Council of Fellows, National Contract Management Association


Former Chapter Officer, San Gabriel Chapter, National Contract Management Association


Educator of the Year, National Contract Management Association, 1998


Who’s Who in the West, Who’s Who in America, and Who’s Who in the World, 1998

1998年入选《西部名人录》, 《美国名人录》和《世界名人录》




"Complying With the FAR and its DOD FAR Supplement", published in Presentations-74th International Purchasing Conference, Boston, MA, 1989.

《遵守FAR及其 DOD FAR补充》出版在Presentations 一书中,1989年马萨诸塞州波士顿第74届国际采购大会

"Cost, Price, and Profit Analysis Techniques", published in Presentations-75th International Purchasing Conference, New Orleans, LA, 1990.

《成本、价格和利润分析技巧》出版在Presentations 一书中,1990年拉斯维加斯州新奥尔良第75届采购大会

"Service Purchasing?  Let's Not Get Personal Here", published in Presentations-76th International Purchasing Conference, San Francisco, CA, 1991.

《服务业采购?不要加入过多个人因素》出版在Presentations 一书中,1991年加利福尼亚州旧金山第76届国际采购大会

"RFP Simplification", published in Presentations-77th International Purchasing Conference, Orlando, FL, 1992.

《简化RFP》出版在Presentations 一书中,1992年弗罗里达州奥兰多第77届国际采购大会

"Transactional and Strategic Analysis:  Big and Bigger Savings Approaches", published in Presentations-78th International Purchasing Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 1993.

《交易与战略分析:更多节约成本的方法》出版在Presentations 一书中,1993年得克萨斯州圣安大略第78届国际采购大会

"FAR Basics for Buyers", unpublished, used in a national seminar for the National Association of Purchasing Management, Baltimore, MD, 1993.


"Pre-award Purchasing Processes", unpublished, used in numerous seminars for the National Association of Purchasing Management and University of Dallas, 1993-94.


"Post-award Purchasing Processes", unpublished, used in numerous seminars for the National Association of Purchasing Management and University of Dallas, 1993-94.


"Purchasing and Contract Management", unpublished, used in numerous seminars for the National Association of Purchasing Management and University of Dallas, 1993-94.


"Cost and Price Analysis:  Tools to Improve Profit Margins", published by Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 1994.

《成本和价格分析:提高利润空间的手段》Van Nostrand-Reinhold 纽约,1994年出版

"Service Purchasing:  What Every Buyer Should Know", published by Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New York, 1994.

《服务采购:购买者须知》Van Nostrand-Reinhold 纽约,1994年出版

“Introduction to Commercial Contracting”, unpublished, used in courses at the University of California-Riverside and University of California-Santa Barbara.


"Transactional and Strategic Analysis:  Big and Bigger Savings Approaches", published in Presentations-78th International Purchasing Conference, San Antonio, Texas, 1993.

《交易与战略分析:更多节约成本的方法》出版在Presentations 一书中,1993年得克萨斯圣安大略第78届国际采购大会

"Total Landed Cost", published in Presentations-80th International Purchasing Conference, Anaheim, California, 1995.

《总落地成本》出版在Presentations 一书中,  1995年加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆第80届国际采购大会

"Strategic Outsourcing for Services", published in Presentations-82nd International Purchasing Conference, Washington, D.C., 1997.

《服务的战略外购》出版在Presentations 一书中,1997年华盛顿特区第82届国际采购大会

"Strategic Outsourcing for Services", published in Proceedings, NCMA World Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, 1998.

《服务的战略外购》 出版在Proceedings  一书中,1998年阿拉巴马Huntsville NCMA 世界大会

“Is Price Analysis a Lost Art?", published in Presentations-83rd International Purchasing Conference, Dallas, Texas, 1998.

《价格分析成为失落的艺术了吗?》出版在Presentations 一书中,1998年得克萨斯州达拉斯第83届国际采购大会

“Introduction to Commercial Contracts (Otherwise Known as Purchasing)”.  Published in the Chinese language in Beijing, PRC by the Beijing Modern Management Technology Exchange Center, 2001.




"Recent Changes in the Truth in Negotiations Act", before the Vancouver/Portland Chapter, National Contract Management Association, Portland, Oregon, 1987.


"Accounting Requirements for DOD Contractors", before the Oregon Chapter, American Defense Preparedness Association, Portland, Oregon, 1987.


"Cost/Price/Financial Analysis", before the CPCM Examination Preparation Class, Chicago, Illinois, 1988.

《成本/价格/财务分析》 1988年伊利诺斯州芝加哥 CPCM考试预备班上的讲演

"Finance/Accounting/Economics" & "Logistics" before the CPCM Examination Preparation Class, Dallas, TX 1989.


"Effective Purchase Order Forms", before the Purchasing Management Association of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, 1989.


"Cost and Price Analysis", before the Purchasing Management Association of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, 1989.


"Complying With the Federal Acquisition Regulation and its DOD FAR Supplement" before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, Boston, Massachusetts, 1989.

《遵守联邦采购规定和其DOD FAR补充》1989年在马萨诸塞州波士顿,国际大会,美国联邦国家采购管理协会的讲演

"International Trade Policies", (mini course given at Northwood Institute) Dallas, Texas, 1989.


"Finance/Accounting/Economics" before the CPCM Examination Preparation Class, Dallas, Texas, 1990.

《金融/财会 /经济学》1990年得克萨斯州达拉斯CPCM考试预备班上的讲演

Commercial Purchasing and Contracting, before the CPCM Examination Preparation Class, Dallas, TX, 1991/2/3.


"Cost, Price, and Profit Analysis Techniques", before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1990.


"Purchasing at the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory", before the Purchasing Management Association of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, 1990.


"Service Purchasing?  Let's Not Get Personal Here!", before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, San Francisco, California, 1991.

《服务采购?不要加入过多个人因素》 1991年加利福尼亚州旧金山国际大会,美国联邦国家采购管理协会的讲演

"Commercial Cost and Price Analysis", before the Purchasing Management Association of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1991.

《商业成本和价格分析》 1991年在路易斯安那州新奥尔良的采购管理协会的讲演

"Service Purchasing", before the Purchasing Management Association of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, 1991.

《服务采购》 1991年在得克萨斯州达拉斯的达拉斯采购管理协会的讲演

"RFP Simplification", before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, Orlando, Florida, 1992.

RFP的简化》 1992年在弗罗里达州奥尔良的国际大会,美国联邦国家采购管理协会的讲演

"Transactional and Strategic Analysis:  Big and Bigger Savings Approaches", before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, San Antonio, Texas, 1993.

《交易与战略分析 更多节省成本的方法 1993年在得克萨斯州圣安大略的国际大会,美国联邦国家采购管理协会的讲演

"Purchasing Techniques for the 1990s:  Transactional (Cost/Price) and Strategic Analysis", before the International Conference of Purchasing Managers, ALCATEL Corporation, 1993.

19世纪90年代的采购技巧:交易(成本/价格)和战略分析》 1993ALCATEL集团国际采购经理大会上的讲演

"Commercial and Government Contracting--The Similarities and Differences", before the North Dallas Chapter, National Contract Management Association, 1993 (National Seminar Speaker).

《商业与政府合同相似与不同》 1993年国家合同管理协会北达拉斯学会上的讲演(国家研讨会发言人)

"Outsourcing and Service Contracting", presented in Washington, D.C., under contract with the TTC, 1994..

《外购与服务合同》  1994年根据坦克训练中心合同在华盛顿特区的演说

 "Total Landed Cost", before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, Anaheim, California, 1995.

《总落地成本》 1995年在加利福尼亚阿纳海姆国际大会,美国联邦国家采购管理协会的讲演

“Purchasing and Contracting at the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority”, before the San Gabriel Chapter, National Contract Management Association, 1996.

《洛杉机国际大都会运输当局的采购与定货》 1996年在美国联邦国家合同管理协会圣加百利学会的讲演

"Commercial Contracting" before the CPCM Examination Preparation Class, Los Angeles, CA, 1996.

《商业合同》 1996年加利福尼亚州洛杉机CPCM考试预备班的讲演

“Negotiating With People From Other Countries/Cultures” before the Anaheim Chapter, National Contract Management Association, 1996.

《跨文化谈判》 1996年在国家合同管理协会阿纳海姆学会的讲演

“Myers Briggs and Negotiation” before the San Gabriel Chapter, National Contract Management Association, 1996.

Myers Briggs与谈判》  1996年在国家合同管理协会,圣加百利学会的讲演

"Strategic Outsourcing for Services", before the International Conference, National Association of Purchasing Management, Washington, D.C., 1997.


"Strategic Outsourcing for Services”, before the NCMA World Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, 1998.

《服务的战略外购》1998年在阿拉巴马州Huntsville NCMA世界大会上的讲演

“Is Price Analysis a Lost Art?”, before the 83rd International Purchasing Conference, Dallas, Texas, 1998.

《价格分析成为失落的艺术了吗?》 1998年在得克萨斯州达拉斯第83届国际采购大会上的讲演